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Many thanks for Thoughtworks for offering the space and Amy Schantz for setting things up.
Open data meetup nyc 1 23-14 from Vivian S. Zhang
"These slides and material from the OpenDataNow.com website are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License." by Joel
Meetup Announcement:
This talk showed how Open Data from government, private sources, and social media is opening huge new opportunities in business and the public sector.
Joel Gurin is the author of the new book Open Data Now (McGraw-Hill, 2014) and covers the subject on his website, OpenDataNow.com. Currently senior advisor at the GovLab at NYU, he was previously Chair of the White House Task Force on Smart Disclosure and editorial director and executive vice president of Consumer Reports
This talk will explore the implications of Open Data using a broad definition: Open Data is accessible public data we can use to launch new ventures, analyze trends, make decisions, and solve problems. The talk will cover: What Open Data is and how it relates to Big Data and Open Government- Sources of Open Data, including government, private sector, and social media - Eight major Open Data trends - Lessons for business, government, and the tech sector.
Preparation: Attendees are encouraged to read Joel Gurin's blog at OpenDataNow.com and the new book Open Data Now (Copies will also be available for sale at the event.)