Contributed by Brain Saindon. He took NYC Data Science Academy 12 week full time Data Science Bootcamp program between Sept 23 to Dec 18, 2015. The post was based on his fourth class project(due at 8th week of the program).
CDC estimates that every year, nearly 1 in 6 Americans get sick from a foodborne illness. If you have ever experienced this type of sickness, you understand that foodborne illness is serious and unpleasant. In fact the CDC also estimates that 3,000 Americans die from a foodborne illness every year. You may have experienced a foodborne illness shortly after visiting a new restaurant and have decided to never again go back to that restaurant. During your two days of sickness you may have wished that you had decided to go to an alternative restaurant to prevent your sickness from happening. Is there any way that you could have known whether you would have experienced a foodborne illness from that restaurant before eating there?
This is a difficult question to tackle using only publicly available sources. However, we can reframe our question into one that we can more directly answer with publicly available data: Can you use restaurant reviews as a public health indicator? More specifically, can you use publicly available restaurant ratings to infer how well a restaurant handles their food? This project leverages publicly available data to explore whether there is a relationship between a restaurants rating and their food handling practices by asking two main questions.
In order to answer the two main question, I used two primary data sources from the NYC DOH and yelp. I used Python for the entire process from data extraction to descriptive analysis. Below outlines specific data sources and the specific code flow used to develop this project. My python code is available on Github.
See below for snippets of my python code developed for this project. For a complete view of my code, click on my github link above.
Initially, I import several packages which will be leveraged downstream:
import re import requests import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
First, I create a 'master list' of the URLs required to extract the names of the to 200 restaurants on Yelp. This list will run through a downstream code.
master_list = set(list([',+NY&start=0', ',+NY&start=10', ',+NY&start=20', ',+NY&start=30', ',+NY&start=40', ',+NY&start=50', ',+NY&start=60', ',+NY&start=70', ',+NY&start=80', ',+NY&start=90', ',+NY&start=100', ',+NY&start=110', ',+NY&start=120', ',+NY&start=130', ',+NY&start=140', ',+NY&start=150', ',+NY&start=160', ',+NY&start=170', ',+NY&start=180', ',+NY&start=190',]))
Next, I run the above url list through a for loop in order to create a list of urls which will include the direct link to each restaurant's first page of reviews.
final_url_list =[] for i in master_list: tmp = requests.get(i).text tmp = BeautifulSoup(tmp) url_list = [] for a in'a[href^="/biz/"]'): url_list.append(a['href']) url_list = sorted(set(url_list),key=url_list.index) string = '' string2 = '?sort_by=date_desc' url_list = [string + x + string2 for x in url_list] final_url_list.append(url_list)
Once I have a list of the urls for the top 200 restaurants, I run the final_url_list through a loop and leverage BeautifulSoup in order to extract relevant data for this analysis. Specifically, the below loop will extract the following information from each restaurant's top 20 reviews:
df_list = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['restaurant']) for k in final_url_list: reviews = requests.get(k).text reviews = BeautifulSoup(reviews) restname1 = reviews.find('h1', {'itemprop': 'name'}).get_text().strip() comments1 = reviews.find_all('p', {'itemprop': 'description'}) comments_string = [tag.get_text() for tag in comments1] comment_dt1 = reviews.find_all('meta', {'itemprop': 'datePublished'}) comments_dt_string = [tag['content'] for tag in comment_dt1] rating_value = reviews.find_all('meta', {'itemprop': 'ratingValue'}) rating_string = [tag['content'] for tag in rating_value] user_location = reviews.find_all('li', {'class': 'user-location'}) user_location_string = [tag.get_text() for tag in user_location] postal_code = reviews.find('span', {'itemprop': 'postalCode'}).get_text().strip() phone = reviews.find('span', {'class': 'biz-phone'}).get_text().strip() phone = "".join(_ for _ in phone if _ in "1234567890") df = zip(comments_dt_string, comments_string, rating_string, user_location_string) df = pd.DataFrame(df) df['restaurant'] = restname1 df['postal_code'] = postal_code df['phone'] = phone df_list = df_list.append(df)
The next lines of code will create a foodborne illness flag if any of the following words appear in a restaurants review: [' ill', 'foodborne', 'sick', 'vomit', 'sickness', 'poisoning', 'headache', 'fever', 'cramp']
df_list.columns = ['date', 'comment', 'rating', 'userloc', 'phone', 'zip', 'restaurant'] mylist = [' ill', 'foodborne', 'sick', 'vomit', 'sickness', 'poisoning', 'headache', 'fever', 'cramp'] pattern = '|'.join(mylist) df_list['fbi_presence'] = df_list.comment.str.contains(pattern)
A necessary part of this analysis, is the NYC DOH data which contains all information on the restaurant grades within the city. The code below calls in this data as a pandas dataframe.
import pandas doh_data = pandas.read_csv('DOHMH_New_York_City_Restaurant_Inspection_Results.csv')
For each restaurant, I only want the latest restaurant grade. The code below selects the latest restaurant grade administered to each restaurant.
doh_data = pd.DataFrame(doh_data) doh_data['phone'] = doh_data['PHONE'] doh_data.sort(['CAMIS', 'GRADE DATE'], ascending=[True, False]) doh_data_1 = doh_data.drop_duplicates('CAMIS') doh_data_1 = pd.DataFrame(doh_data_1)
Time to match the data sources (ratings and DOH restaurant grades) so that we can prepare begin our analysis:
reviews_grades = pd.merge(df_list, doh_data_1, on='phone', how='inner') reviews_grades = pd.DataFrame(reviews_grades) reviews_grades = reviews_grades[['CAMIS', 'rating','fbi_presence', 'date', 'comment', 'userloc', 'phone', 'zip', 'restaurant', 'GRADE', 'RECORD DATE', 'GRADE DATE']]
In order to move forward with the analysis, I must obtain each restaurant's average rating and the number of comments containing a foodborne illness flag for each restaurant:
restaurant_mean_rating = df_list['rating'].groupby(df_list['phone']).mean() restaurant_fbi_count = df_list['fbi_presence'].groupby(df_list['phone']).sum() restaurant_fbi_count = pd.DataFrame(restaurant_fbi_count) restaurant_mean_rating = pd.DataFrame(restaurant_mean_rating) restaurant_mean_rating['phone'] = restaurant_mean_rating.index restaurant_fbi_count['phone'] = restaurant_fbi_count.index
The below code merges both summary measures into one data frame:
summary_merge = pd.merge(restaurant_mean_rating, restaurant_fbi_count, on='phone', how='inner') summary_merge = pd.merge(summary_merge, doh_data_1, on='phone', how='inner') summary_merge.head()
Now that we have the data ready for analysis, we first create a histograms of average restaurant rating group by restaurant grades. This is the first image presented above.
import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10)) sns.kdeplot(summary_merge[summary_merge.GRADE == 'A'].rating, shade=True, label='A Grade') sns.kdeplot(summary_merge[summary_merge.GRADE == 'B'].rating, shade=True, label='B Grade') #sns.kdeplot(summary_merge[summary_merge.GRADE == 'Z'].rating, shade=True, label='Z') plt.xlabel('YELP RATING', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('DENSITY', fontsize=20) plt.title('Average Yelp Rating: Grouped by Restaurant Grades (n=106)', fontsize=30) plt.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=True, fontsize=20) plt.xticks(fontsize = 20) plt.yticks(fontsize = 20)
For a second visualization, I created another histogram plot of average restaurant ratings grouped by number of comments which included a foodborne illness flag.
import seaborn as sns %matplotlib inline plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10)) sns.kdeplot(summary_merge[summary_merge.fbi_presence == 0].rating, shade=True, label='0 FBI Flag') sns.kdeplot(summary_merge[summary_merge.fbi_presence == 1].rating, shade=True, label='1 FBI Flag') sns.kdeplot(summary_merge[summary_merge.fbi_presence > 1].rating, shade=True, label='>1 FBI Flag') plt.xlabel('YELP RATING', fontsize=20) plt.ylabel('DENSITY', fontsize=20) plt.title('Average Yelp Rating: Grouped by FBI Flags (n=106)', fontsize=30) plt.legend(loc='upper left', frameon=True, fontsize=20) plt.xticks(fontsize = 20) plt.yticks(fontsize = 20)
The results of this project suggest that average restaurant ratings may indicate how well a restaurant performs during a food inspection administered by the NYC Department of Health. Additionally, we see that restaurants with a higher amount of foodborne illness flags (as derived from the text within a restaurant's reviews) tend to have lower average restaurant ratings. The results of this project only suggest that restaurant ratings may be correlated with foodborne illness outbreaks. In order to further investigate a possible association between restaurant reviews and foodborne illness outbreaks, additional statistical and study design methods must be considered to improve the validity and robustness of this project:
It is important to not assume that poor restaurant reviews indicate whether an individual will experience a foodborne illness from these results. With the above recommendations implemented, one can move closer to identifying whether restaurant ratings are statistically associated with foodborne illness outbreaks.