NYC Data Science Corporate blog

R workshop XIX: Mixture topics of R-scrap web pages, make treemaps, predict rain

Written by Vivian Zhang | May 2, 2014 10:48:41 PM

--Project demo day of Vivian's R003 Data Science by R class

This was a series of final presentations by students of Introduction to Statistical Programming in R class by Vivian Zhang. The students had to present their final work to the audience which consisted of other students and members of NY Open Data group. Each presentation highlighted the problem that was under consideration, the code created to solve it and the visualization of results mostly by using tree maps. The instructor (Vivian) introduced her students and their presentations, after which a student would present and tale questions.

NYC Data Science Academy is offering six relative R courses:

RSVP Introduction to R

RSVP Introduction to Data Science with R, 2 Full Days

RSVP Machine Learning with R

RSVP 20 most popular R packages series – Shiny – Web Applications

RSVP 20 most popular R packages series – Knitr – Dynamic Reporting

Students and their projects:

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Laila: Restaurant Sanitation Report

Laila showed her analyses focused on the restaurant sanitation in New York City. Several main tools were implemented in her project, including craigslist, pet maps R, google fusion table pet finder, and shiny application.

Slides: Laila slides

R003 laila restaurant sanitation report(NYC Data Science Academy, Data Science by R Intensive Beginner) from Vivian S. Zhang

Video: Laila's Presentation


Jiten: South Park Episode Popularity Analysis

Jiten presented his project about south park episode popularity analysis. He retrieved the data from IMDB and Twitter, and used the combined data for the further investigation.

Slides: Jiten Slides

R003 jiten south park episode popularity analysis(NYC Data Science Academy, Data Science by R Intensive Beginner) from Vivian S. Zhang


Akiko: Bloomberg Global Top 500 Companies analysis

Akiko scraped data from the website and did the wondful tree maps.



Marifel: Why you should stop eating at your favorite restaurant?

An analysis on the Inspection Results of New York City Restaurants using NYC Open Data and R.



Janet: A study of bars in NYC


