R Workshop XIII: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn data analytics (hands-on)

R Workshop XIII: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn data analytics (hands-on)

Posted by Vivian Zhang

Updated: Mar 21, 2014

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–Project demo day of Vivian’s Data Science by R class

This was a series of final presentations by students of Introduction to Statistical Programming in R class by Vivian Zhang. The students had to present their final work to the audience which consisted of other students and members of NY Open Data group. Each presentation highlighted the problem that was under consideration, the code created to solve it and the visualization of results mostly by using tree maps. The instructor (Vivian) introduced her students and their presentations, after which a student would present and tale questions.

NYC Data Science Academy is offering six relative courses:

RSVP Data Science with R, Beginner Level

RSVP Data Science with R, Intermediate Level

RSVP Introduction to Data Science by R, 2 Full Days

RSVP RStudio's Master R Developer Workshop 2 Days

RSVP 20 Most Popular R Packages Series - Knitr - Dynamic Reporting

RSVP 20 Most Popular R Packages Series - Shiny - Web Applications

Students and their projects:

Check our Meetup Event.

--Harrison Adler: call Facebook API, find your single male friends, couple network

--Roger Huang: call Facebook API, FB likes for Personalization/Merch/Marketing

--Kim Johnson: call Twitter API, wordCloud, interaction among friends

--David Russo: call Linkedin API, company info and update, connections, find the best job for you

Vivian Zhang

Vivian is the CTO and School Director of NYC Data Science Academy and CTO of SupStat. With her extensive experience working in the data science field, she developed expertise in multiple programming languages, including R, Python, Hadoop, and Spark. In August 2016, Forbes ranked her amongst one of the nine women leading the pack in data analytics. In 2013, she created the NYC Open Data Meetup group, which stands as one of the largest data science communities offering meetups, conferences, and a weekly newsletter. In her spare time, Vivian enjoys meeting people and sharing her motivational stories with our students and other professionals

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