NYC Data Science Corporate blog

R Workshop I: R Basic (5th Time)

Written by Jun Zhao | Feb 28, 2014 3:08:38 PM


NYC Data Science Academy is offering five relative courses:

RSVP Data Science with R, Beginner Level

RSVP Data Science with R, Intermediate Level

RSVP Introduction to Data Science by R, 2 Full Days

RSVP RStudio's Master R Developer Workshop 2 Days

RSVP 20 Most Popular R Packages Series - Knitr - Dynamic Reporting

RSVP 20 Most Popular R Packages Series - Shiny - Web Applications

Meetup Announcement:

In this workshop, Vivian Zhang introduced how to load, clean NYC open data and do basic analyses and visualization by R.


Vivian Zhang (CTO @Supstat Inc, Master degrees in Computer Science and Statistics, organizer of this meetup) will introduce how to load, clean nyc open data and do basic analytic and visualization by R.

Vivian Zhang also offers intensive beginner level R classes(35 hours on 5 weekends). It is the third and last round of beginner level class. From April to June, she will teach intermediate and advanced level R classes.


7:00-8:30 Vivian explained what R is, what R can do, some R syntax. She use NYC open data samples to do subsetting and plotting demo.

8:30-9:00 Hands-on time

Other Useful Info Link:

This is a repeated session of July 8th, July 29th, Aug 29th, Sept 18th "R workshop I: R basic". You can find useful information from comments at those events.

Data Science with R : Machine Learning

If you are interested in learning R, just click the button to enroll