NYC Data Science Corporate blog

R Workshop I: R Basic (3rd time)

Written by Jun Zhao | Aug 20, 2013 9:26:10 AM

R workshop I_2

Special thanks go to Joel Witten, Ilan Man and their generous employer Squarespace sponsored us their office space for this "R workshop I: R basic" event.

NYC Data Science Academy is offering five relative courses:

RSVP Data Science with R, Beginner Level

RSVP Data Science with R, Intermediate Level

RSVP Introduction to Data Science by R, 2 Full Days

RSVP RStudio’s Master R Developer Workshop 2 Days

RSVP 20 Most Popular R Packages Series – Knitr – Dynamic Reporting

RSVP 20 Most Popular R Packages Series – Shiny – Web Applications

This was a repeated session of July 8th and July 29th "R workshop I: R basic". You could find useful information from comments at those events.

Meetup Announcement:

Vivian Zhang introduced how to load, clean nyc open data and do basic visualization by R.


Vivian S. Zhang, Founder, President and our R and Hadoop Instructor. Vivian is a data scientist who has being devoted to the analytics industry and data technologies over years. She obtained expertise on data analysis and data management using various statistical analytical tools and programming languages. She co-founded SupStat, founded NYC Data Science Academy, and is an organizer of NYC Open-Data meetup. Prior to taking entrepreneurial steps, she worked as a Senior Financial Analyst at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Scientific Programmer at the Center of Statistics of Brown University. Vivian received her continued education in Statistics and Computer Science from Brown University, Stanford University and Double Master Degrees from Stony Brook University and San Jose State University. She likes to portray herself as a dataholic, visualization evangelist, and programmer.


- Vivian explained what R is, what R can do, how R compare to other tools you might already know and use. And She explained some R codes.
- Individual hack time, people could make sure all the R codes run on their own PC before they go.


- to install Rstudio before you come. You can download Rstudio from
- to get yourself a free github account, so you can get some R sources right away. sign up at