Our special thanks went to John Downs for teaching us and OnDeck Capital for providing the wonderful space!
OnDeck Capital raised $17 million from Google Ventures and Peter Thiel to disrupt small business lending.
Thank you for coming, Arron, Elliot, Mark, Matt, Devin, Gustavo, Yan, John T, John C, Matt B, Michael, Kanies, Jeehyun, Friederike, Sadiq, Deena, Loren, Saumil, Dan, Steven Millington, 高柳慎一, Tanya, John M, André , Muhammad! (A lot of new friends, we welcome you very much!)
Meetup Announcement:
John Downs, Dean and our Python Instructor. As Dean, he coordinates the development of programs and mentors other instructors. He also organizes the Python for Data Analysis meetup. His research interests include robotics with work on collaborative navigation using artificial intelligence. He has many years of experience as a software engineer in industry and is a member of the ACM and IEEE.
This session focuses on the ecosystem around Pandas. We will look at some of the tools available to learn about data that has been prepared by Pandas.
The packages we will be looking at are NumPy, SciPy and Scikit-learn.
If you do not have Numpy, Pandas and Scikit-learn already installed, we suggest you install Anaconda first. It would take care of the headache of building numpy and scipy. It's a free download available from http://continuum.io/downloads
You might need a little background in pandas for this talk. You should be ok if you read the front page of pydata org page, watch the 10 minute video and make sure you can `import pandas` from your Python console
Other Useful Info Link:
iPython notebook up here: John's class code.