NYC Data Science Corporate blog

Demo Day (Students of 5th Offering of Data Science with R Class)

Written by Jun Zhao | Jul 28, 2014 11:54:56 AM


–Project demo day of Vivian’s R005 Data Science with R Class

This was a series of final presentations by students of Introduction to Statistical Programming in R class by Vivian Zhang. The students had to present their final work to the audience which consisted of other students and members of NYC Open Data group. Each presentation highlighted the problem that was under consideration, the code created to solve it and the visualization of results mostly by using tree maps. The instructor (Vivian) introduced her students and their presentations, after which a student would present and tale questions.


NYC Data Science Academy is offering six relative R courses:

RSVP RStudio’s Master R Developer Workshop, 2 Days

RSVP Data Science with R, Beginner Level

RSVP Data Science with R, Intermediate Level

RSVP 20 Most Popular R Packages Series – Shiny – Web Applications

RSVP 20 Most Popular R Packages Series – Knitr – Dynamic Reporting

RSVP Introduction to Data Science by R, 2 full Days


Students and their projects:

Peggy Sobolewski - Analyzing Transportation Equities Using R


Data Science Academy Student Demo day--Peggy sobolewski,analyzing transporation equities using R from Vivian S. Zhang



Moyi Dang - Visualizing Global Public Companies


Data Science Academy Student Demo day--Moyi Dang, Visualizing global public companies from Vivian S. Zhang


Student's blog:


Chang Wang - Dogs in NYC Slides:

Data Science Academy Student Demo day--Chang Wang, dogs breeds in nyc from Vivian S. Zhang


Shelby Ahern - Minority and Non-Minority Business Creation in NYC, 2005-2013


Data Science Academy Student Demo day--Shelby Ahern, An Exploration of Non-Minority and Minority-Owned Enterprise from Vivian S. Zhang

Richard Sheng - Increasing New York student attendance with Kinvolved and Data Science Slides:

Data Science Academy Student Demo day--Richard Sheng, kinvolved school attendance from Vivian S. Zhang


Divyanka Sharma - Businesses in NYC Slides:

Data Science Academy Student Demo day--Divyanka Sharma, Businesses in nyc from Vivian S. Zhang


Michael Blecher - The Importance of Cleaning, Organizing and Analyzing Data in Research Slides:

Data Science Academy Student Demo day--Michael blecher,the importance of cleaning, organizing and analyzing data in research from Vivian S. Zhang