NYC Data Science Corporate blog

BitCoin Intro Workshop

Written by Jun Zhao | Apr 18, 2014 10:31:09 AM


Introduction to bit coin from Vivian S. Zhang



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Meetup Announcement:

This workshop provided the resources and the concept of BitCoin.

Speaker: Vivian Zhang
Vivian Zhang is Co-Founder/CTO for SupStat Inc(a consulting company specialized in statistical computing using open technologies), and organizer for NYC Open Data Meetup Group and New York R User Group which offers two to three meetups/week for the past 9 months.

She also founded NYC Data Science Academy which offers intensive Data Science classes covering R, Python, D3.js, Hadoop,Node.js, Mongodb, processing in classroom and online (see or


I: A brief introduction about P2P network.

II: BitCoin:

- The fundamental paper by Satoshi Nakamot

- Feature: Based on algorithm and public recognition, Decentralized

- Scracity, Mining, SHA256, Easy to exam, limit of speed

- Comparing to Gold. Does BitCoin worth it?

- Is BitCoin a Ponzi Scheme?

- BitCoin and Anarchism

- Problems: Copycats, Deflation, Anti-Conservation

- How to maintain and manage the P2P network?



Bitcoin main site:

Bitcoin Mining Pool

Bitcoin Miner

Bitcoin Wallet